
Adieu Jim et Merci

Triste Nouvelle.
Nous venons d’apprendre le décès de Jim Drake, le co-inventeur de la planche à voile.
Son invention a touché beaucoup de vies, dont les nôtres.
Nos pensées vont à sa famille et amis.

1 commentaire:

  1. Surfer Today posting yesterday the passing of Jim Drake.
    Jim Drake, co-inventor of the Windsurfer, dies at 83
    He made significant contributions to the sailboard.
    Though not a co-inventor, he was actually a co-patent holder.
    An accurate account of the evolution of the modern sailboard
    was published in American Windsurfer
    over a decade ago and is briefly reported here:
    Patents; A blow by blow of how the inventor of windsurfing found his place in the sun. - New York Times
    Had Jim not introduced the asymmetrical rig with a wishbone boom
    the sport would not have seen such wide popularity.
    These additions made the sailboard more efficient and
    easier to learn.

    We all owe Jim for his contributions to our sport.
    May he rest in peace.

    Chad M Lyons
    Windsurfing Historian
    Branford, CT, USA
